Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012

Here we are its the 2nd day of the new year and the first thing that I wanted to do when I got home from my beach vacation was BLOG!

As you know my family and I just moved back to South Africa from the United States after living there for 5 years. The change has not been easy on us adults, however the kids are really doing just fine! Spending this week at on the South Coast has really made me understand that it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together! I know that sounds so cliche......... but it's true. I had the opportunity to read the book "The Alchemist" while away on vacation and boy did this book just open my eyes! I have no idea where to begin.

I don't know how it happened but that book has stirred something up inside of me that is not easily explainable! I  need to listen to my heart a little more I think those screams that I think are distracting me or clouding my judgements is really my heart just guiding me to do what needs to be done! However sad it is to admit this, I must confess, while away on vacation my blackberry just would not get a good signal and my first  2 days of vacation I spent grumpy because I couldn't socially network! How stupid! Eventually when I gave up on the 3rd day and just enjoyed my family the beach the ocean and the togetherness I was a completely different person! I stole moments on the beach to read my book and take pictures of my gorgeous family and didn't even realise that I had great signal every time I got to the beach LOL!

So this is my promise not my resolution but my promise, I will listen closer to my heart and less to the PING of my blackberry! I will listen a little closer to my heart when it shows me an opportunity to build relationships with those I love, and a little less to the NOTIFICATION jingle of my facebook!

Thank you technology for sucking just long enough for me to learn an important life lesson! I so hope that technology sucks long enough for all of you to look up long enough from your Blackberry's, Laptops, facebook, bbm etc. to capture those irreplaceable moments in life!

Here's to 2012